Custom Reports Bundle Attendance

This plugin will add the attendance reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.1
Return of the export buttons. Also added some "make current selection of students" buttons when applicable.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

Computer Logic Group
Custom Reports Bundle Attendance tab

Find Me Alert Plugin

There are many times when we need to find out where a student is at the current moment in time. Normally it’s a bit of a process where you need to search for the student, look at his/her schedule for the current date, figure out what period you are in, then figure out where that student is during that period. Well this alert makes it much easier. With this alert you can see exactly where the student is supposed to be at the current moment in time.

CRB Old to New

Some people have been wondering how to get their custom reports they built into the new CRB. I'll try and give some instruction here.

Standards Management

NOTE: This customization as of the current version (1.0.1) will not work on PS 9 due to the back end changes to the standards table. An updated version of this will be out in the next few weeks that will be compatible for v 9.x

Computer Logic Group
Sample page from standards management
Sample page showing links to drill down with directions
Sample page showing lowest level with directions

CRB Plugins not installing properly

Many people have stated that they have had issues installing the plugins. Some have said they were able to install SQLReports4 as a plugin without any problem. Other have found no work around. Yesterday I worked with a school who found that they were able to install the plugins if they downloaded from a windows computer rather than their mac. Once this was revealed to me it seemed like I should let people know in case you are also having issues.

Installing plugins

PowerSchool added the ability for us to give you customizations installed as plugins. This is great for CPM users as you can install and remove very easily. Previously CPM users could only remove a customization by deleting the files one by one. With plugins all the files installed with the plugin is removed if you delete the plugin making management a lot easier. But with this change comes some new directions. Since PDS is building all its new customizations as plugins we thought it appropriate to give you an easy place for directions.

Long overdue update to CRB

The Custom Reports Bundle (CRB) has been stagnant for a long time. Most of this is due to the fact that I no longer work at a single school and thus have less time as many schools need my time. But I've had the urge to do a major update for a while and I'm writing to let you know what that is. The CRB has been one giant zip file that was CPM friendly but could also be uploaded to the custom/web_root. If you upload into CPM you are stuck having to delete each file one at a time to get rid of it. No longer. When the new CRB comes out it will be as a plugin.

Photo Export Utility

This is the Export that was posted here before that Brian Andle had posted, but I think it needs to be updated to work with current version of PS.

Plug-in Auto Assign Teacher ID

When creating new staff in PowerSchool you are required to assign an ID number. The included replacement page will auto assign a number based ID. The page uses SQL to determine what the next valid id number should be.
Version History:

*Thanks to Brian Andle for create this, I have just updated it
V 4 (10/28/2013)
• Updated for PS 7.9 (By Iron County School District)
• Made in to a Page Fragment
• Made in to a Plug-in (PowerSource Doc_ID 66105)

Custom Reports Bundle 3.4.4

Version 4.0 is out and is modular and built for PowerSchool 7.9 and above. If you are looking for the reports bundle go here unless you are on PowerSchool 7.8 or older. This version will remain open only for users who absolutely need these reports and are on an older version of PowerSchool. If you can wait we recommend you do wait and install after upgrading PowerSchool to at least 7.9

3.4.4 (5/8/2013)


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