Fees Enhancements

This customizations adds a few small but beneficial features to the Fees Transactions pages.

Adds the viewing of past year fees.
Adds the viewing of past schools fees.

v 1.1 (6/25/2012)
"SOY Balance" records no longer show. Giving a accurate picture of the fees.

PowerSchool - FireFox compatibility alert

I typically run the beta track of FireFox on my Mac. While working on Power Data Solutions Locker Management customization I noticed that FireFox 14 (currently in beta) and PowerSchool versions prior to 7.2 experience a specific jQuery issue. Functions that use jQuery Ajax don't work correctly. Examples of this function are Change School, Daily Bulletin modal popup and other Ajax related functions.

Some of the PDS that would also be affected are:

One Stop Attendance
Report Bundle

PowerScheduler Mass Enroll Dependent Sections

This customization adds the ability to enroll students in the dependent sections for a section when adding a course.section to a group of students using the Schedule Mass Enroll function in PowerScheduler. In order to enroll students in the dependent sections with the Schedule Mass Enroll page you will need to use the course.section option on the page. To help find this information a search box has been added. Entering part of a Course Name, Teacher Name or even Course Number will find the available sections and automatically fill in the course.section field.

Cool Enhancement idea

Brian noticed a cool enhancement request and I thought we could help you find it a little. Chris has posted a picture of what he's suggesting (a very nice picture btw) on PowerSource so go there to see what he means. It's a good idea, I like it. Lets vote it up so it catches Pearson's attention! Details of the enhancement request is below

Emerging Issue PS 7.2 - RESOLVED

Update: has been released to resolve the issue seen in 7.2. If you are using you should upgrade immediately.

PowerSchool 7.2 has been pulled due to a issue with importing data that is stored in the CLOB field type. If you are using PS 7.2 on your production server DO NOT use AutoComm, Quick Import or Import using Template.


PowerSchool 7.2

PowerSchool 7.2 has been released and includes/replaces several PDS customizations. Because of the changes to the Teacher portal there are several customizations that are not yet compatible with the new 7.2 features. Below is a list of customization that are no longer needed or are currently not compatible.

Seating Chart
Field Validator - When used with the Students and Teachers table

Not currently compatible
Class Attendance Enhancement V2_1
/teachers/home.html page included in Grade Verification

Important: When upgrading to PS 7.2 you will want to remove/rename the following custom pages if present:

Dynamic Dropdown

Do you need to create drop downs so that your users enter information correctly? Do you want to also make it so that new options can be added to the dropdown without reprogramming the page again? Then dynamic dropdown is your solution. Created by Dean Dahlvang this customization makes it possible for you to add drop downs to all sorts of areas (cities, states, countries, etc) and gives you a way to have your users manage that drop down rather than having to update the page each time an option changes. Make your life easier by using this customization!

Future Enrollments V2_2

With PowerSchool 5.2 the way Enroll Dates are determined for student’s classes has changed. By design when enrolling students in a class the first day that the class actually meets is the Enroll Date. Because of this the class counts show a 0 (zero) until the class actually starts. These sets of pages add the option to see the count of students in the class on any giving future day. The pages are also converted from tlist to SQL to help speed things up.

V 1.0 (08/14/2008)
- Initial release

Class Attendance Enhancement V2_1

NOT COMPATIBLE WITH PS 7.2. Download link has been removed until a updated version is available.

The pages included in this package improve upon the class attendance page modified by Jason Treadwell, Tim Scoff and Roger Sprik to allow Teachers to enter meeting attendance comments for Students. New in v2: Adds Student Photos and Alerts

When Teachers go to take attendance they will notice 2 submit buttons. Submit and Submit w/ Comments. Here is how it works;

Field Validator

PowerSchool 7.2 now includes Data Validation for the Students/Teachers tables.

State reporting needs, among others, are rising. With them is an increased need for schools to rely on multiple sources of input for that state reporting. Problem is the more people who are involved in inputting the data the bigger the chance that things are going to get entered incorrectly. Pearson is starting to make things a little easier but its not quite enough yet. So we created a script you can use (and expand) to make things a little easier.


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