Custom Attendance Alert Problem

I had "successfully" created an alert that will display when a student's DABS is greater than 10 days. I tried it both by using the custom insertion points, and by just customizing the title_student_end_css.txt file and adding it with the other alerts that we had developed along the way.

I also had it working two different ways - 1) to display the admin/students/attendancedates.html?*abs&mode=ATT_ModeDaily page, and 2) to display a popup dialog box that will list the Total Days Absent and then list the YTD Total Days of Attendance, YTD Total Days of Membership, and YTD Percentage of Attendance.

Appeared to be working beautifully, and had very happy customers; however, we found a problem. (I used the first way until we discovered the problem and then tried the second, which also resulted in the same problem.)

When accessing the Transfer Info screen and selecting a Previous Enrollment record, no values will display on the screen. If you select the Current Enrollment record, you can see all the values. It is only a problem with the Previous Enrollments. If I remove the Attendance alert and leave the other alerts, Previous Enrollments are not a problem. As soon as I put the Attendance alert back in, Previous Enrollments breaks.

The addition was really pretty basic:

<!--10 Day Absence Alert-->
<a class="dialogM" dialogcontent="/admin/alerts/ABSAlert.html?frn=~(studentfrn)" href="" title="10 Day Absence Alert" style="visibility: visible;">
<img src="/images/icon-calendar.png" alt="10 Day Alert" border="0">

Anyone else see this type of behavior or have any solution?
Thanks in advance!!

Renee Bailey

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