We really would like to go to online report cards, but the parent portal does not seem to support that. Surely someone has figured out how to do it.
I was hoping to find something in the Enhanced Parent Portal, such as a way to use the historical grades screen and the cumulative information screen there. Those would serve in place of a report card.
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 6:11am
Most that I've seen use a
Most that I've seen use a combination of CSS templates and T list SQL statements where it would pull store codes from the stored grades table and display them,
I have developed a method to display pdf's on the parent portal, however that is pretty intense and requires relabeling each pdf to a specific name etc.
Fri, 10/26/2018 - 1:19am
PDF to parent portal
Hi mschreiber, our school is new to PS, and my administration is really wanting me to try to find a way to get PDF report cards for the parent/student portal without having to purchase yet another add-on. I know this post is from years ago, but is your method something you're willing to share?
Wed, 03/14/2018 - 12:30pm
Revisiting Report Cards in Parent Portal
Has anyone ever come up with some sort of a solution for this? I have scoured the forums here and on powersource without much luck and no recent conversations . . .