Setting Up Honor Roll


Our school calculates the honor roll by adding the grades in a quarter and dividing by the number of classes.
PowerSchool doesn't seem to be compatible with our grading system. We use a 100 point grade scale. It seems that I have tried every which way to make this work.
I appreciate any assistance.

PowerSchool is very capable of running your grade calculations, it just depends upon what fields you have access to. For instance in our elementary schools, we don't want the classes to earn credits, so we use the added value field in it's place. value of 1 for full weight classes, value of .33 for art/gym/music so that they add up to the weight of a full class. Then for the GPA calcuation we have:
You could do the same with the classes playing with potential and/or earned credit, i.e. make the credit of each class 1, but when storing grades always use 0% for earned credit.

Now if this is for classes that you do earn credit for and can't use the addedvalue, there must be a way to count the number of classes, it's outside of what we've had to do and I don't have that information at my fingertips. Might just be able to do gpa_sum(1) for the denominator.
So if that works, then your formula could look like simply: round(gpa_sum(gpa_gpapoints())/gpa_sum(1),3)

Is there documentation on all that needs to be set up in order to do gpa and honor roll calculations? I find the documentation I've seen so far to be very confusing. Any links would be greatly appreciated.

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