Shutting down just mobile app


I need to shut down just the mobile app temporarily. I seem to remember last year, I was able to get this to happen but can't seem to remember how or find the answer. I have tried to disable the pages that I do not want to show on mobile app for the time being and it is not disabling them. Any suggestions? Thanks!

With users who are already connected to the mobile app, there is no way to do so. Even if you manually disable the settings under District - Miscellaneous, users can still see everything if they previously connected to the app on their cell phones.

If you wish to hide future schedules from parents and students, my advice is to use PowerScheduler, even at the elementary level. Don't "Commit" until you are ready for parents to see the schedules on their cell phones. At our middle school, we "Commit" the night before school starts. We manually schedule in PowerScheduler up to that point.

We did extended research on this last summer, and this is the case and the comment. I doubt it has been fixed since then:
01499694 - PowerSchool - Users are still able to Login to the Parent, Student, and Teacher App Manually if Disabled


Cheri is reporting that in PowerSchool - Users are still able to Login to the Parent, Student, and Teacher App Manually if Disabled


I have had the opportunity to discuss this further with both the Software Product Manager along with a PowerSchool Product Manager. I have been advised that this is a feature that is not built within the application at this point in time to completely lock users out of the Mobile Application 100%. A development ticket was created in regards to this issue as a feature request and I have attached your district to this and there have been other districts reporting this as well.

At this point the program is missing the functionality to completely disable the mobile applications. I have expressed your concern to have this resolved in an upcoming release and how it is affecting your district. Our development team will be looking into this further. I do apologize that we have not been successful in coming up with a way to work around this issue at this point in time. The information that you have shared has been included within the development ticket as well. Thank you kindly for all your research and testing that you have done in regards to this. My greatest apologies, I truly wish I had a better resolution for you.

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