Custom Reports Bundle Nurses

This plugin will add the nurses reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.1
Return of the export buttons. Also added some "make current selection of students" buttons when applicable.

What's new
The reports have been updated to look and feel more like PowerSchool native pages.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

Change History
V 4.1.1 - Released 2015-07-27

  • Updated to work with CRB Base 4.1.4
  • Added the export buttons back in

V 4.0.0 - Released 2014-04-01

  • Initial Release
Computer Logic Group


Jason Treadwell
Brent Johnson
Report Type: 
Web Based Report
Custom Reports Bundle Nurses tab
CPM Import Friendly: 


When printing this report using either the system dialog or PowerSchool print icon, the Medical Alert column is excluded from the page.

I've installed the plugin and while I can choose teachers, it does not display all teachers at a school, and no information is pulled from health. Is there a trick to getting this to work?

- Sez

I also have the same issue. No Health data is displayed in this report. It is simply a list of students in that homeroom along with their grade level.

The medical alert is not printing on this report. Is this by design?

Does anyone know how to get immunization dose counts by student? I tried to create a cross tab report in ReportWorks without success. I am trying to get a list of students (y-axis) and a list of immunizations (x-axis) with a count for number of doses received as documented in Health Management.

When I run this report it doesn't return any data for the students even though I know screenings have been entered. Any ideas?

Access to reporting of health data is total broken in PowerSchool from what I can see. I am looking at assigning a few people to take a week and devote it solely to manually going through each student to pull the data out so I can make reports on health data.

Greg Myers
Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill

I installed the Nurses Plugin and I cannot find the reports anywhere. However, if I paste this:

The report shows up.

Waited until we went to version 9.2 to install the new CRB and we too do not see the Nurses Plugin. But we can see it by entering the url as you noted. Any ideas?

My Screening list only shows the students and their homerooms. All students have been screened and nothing shows under the lsit

Stephanie Kilburn
District Student Database Specialist
Amity Regional District #5
Woodbridge, CT

For some reason my custom bundles are not showing up under my custom reports tab. I have install and enabled them all successfully with no luck ever having them load. My page appears to be "working" on pulling showing my custom reports, but never does?

I appreciate any help that anyone can give!
Sherry Williams
RSU 5, Database Manager
Freeport, ME

Is there any way to get this report to pull data???

When we run this report, no screenings are displayed for students. How do we get the screenings to display? We desperately need this.

Are there any other reports that will show office visits or immunizations?

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