
Custom Reports Bundle Base

The Custom Reports Bundle is a collection of custom html reports and dashboards for PowerSchool. The content in this bundle has been contributed by several members of the PowerSchool customization community.

What's New in Version 4.2.2
By request this update adds a link to the enhanced UI and corrects the tab issue. The new path with EUI will be Data and Reporting > Reports > Custom Reports


Custom Reports Bundle Setup tab

Dynamic Dropdown Plugin

For years I've been using my own small customization to add drop down control to pages. I used it for cities, states, salutations, etc. After my list grew too large I customized it again to more manageable and a single page. This plugin attempts to do a very similar task to Dean's customization from 2008 (yeah, 2008, I checked). It adds a single link on the district menu to a page that helps manage your drop downs. What's more, you can enter in drop downs that already exist and they'll show up as well.

What's New

The initial screen for the customization
Initially only Drop Down Types is available
List of drop downs being managed
All managed drop downs appear in the master drop down list
Example of a managed list

Custom Reports Bundle Scheduling

This plugin will add the scheduling reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.6
Student course request had 2 issues. The demographic section wouldn't print due to a PowerSchool default stylesheet. That has been overridden so it now prints. The sort order was not working properly. It now sorts as requested.

EastConn schools

Custom Reports Bundle Logs

This plugin will add the log reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.5
Fixed current selection button on Log Entry Search. Made change recommended by Renee Bailey for the Student Discipline Reports.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

EastConn schools

Custom Reports Bundle Enrollment

This plugin will add the enrollment reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.3
Fixed issue with projected enrollments not showing all grade levels in some situations.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

Computer Logic Group
Custom Reports Bundle Enrollment tab

Custom Reports Bundle Misc

This plugin will add the misc reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

Custom Reports Bundle Misc tab

Enhanced Parent Portal

Note: EPP currently does not support PowerTeacher Pro based sections. As a result the scores page page fragments may need to be removed to show assignments correctly.

Districts not utilizing the new pages added via EPP should evaluate if the stock PowerSchool SIS features are sufficient. Starting with PowerSchool 9.2 the core application provides controls to disable functionality which is also honored by the Mobile App. These settings can be found under Start Page > School Setup > Parent/Student Access.

Orleans Public Schools

Custom Reports Bundle Incidents

This plugin will add the incident reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

The update of these reports from 3.x to 4.x was sponsored by Orleans Public Schools.

What's New in Version 4.1.1
Finally converted the old 3.x reports to work with version 4.x.

Orleans Public Schools

Custom Reports Bundle Validation

This plugin will add the validation reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.1
Return of the export buttons. Also added some "make current selection of students" buttons when applicable.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

Computer Logic Group
Custom Reports Bundle Validation tab

Custom Reports Bundle Transportation

This plugin will add the transportation reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.1
Return of the export buttons. Also added some "make current selection of students" buttons when applicable.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

Computer Logic Group
Custom Reports Bundle Transportation tab


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