Custom Reports Bundle Logs

This plugin will add the log reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.

What's New in Version 4.1.5
Fixed current selection button on Log Entry Search. Made change recommended by Renee Bailey for the Student Discipline Reports.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

Change History
V 4.1.5 - Released 2017-04-13

  • Fixed current selection button on Log Entry Search
  • Made change recommended by Renee Bailey for the Student Discipline Reports

V 4.1.3 - Released 2016-03-23

  • Initial Release
EastConn schools


Jason Treadwell
Brent Johnson
Brian Andle
Report Type: 
Web Based Report
CPM Import Friendly: 


Is this bundle out there yet? I can't find it.

I'm looking for it too.

I am so excited to finally have fully installed all the reports bundle. Thank you so much for your hard work.
And you know how it is...give them an inch and they want a mile...
Can I make certain reports unavailable for schools. I don't want them running the security reports or the validation reports.


I was wondering if there is any estimate when these reports will be posted.


Dan Morgan

Dan Morgan
PS Support
Saint Mary's College High School
Berkeley, CA

I've been trying to maintain the really old version and running into a lot of issues. Any idea when this will be released?

Douglas Anger
Programmer / Systems Integration Specialist
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
1101 Red Drive
Traverse City, MI 49684-4465

I don't mind letting them wait a while, but I have gone deaf in my right ear!

Yes please do update. My left ear will be very grateful.


would LOVE to have this in place, any estimate on release date?

All other reports installed and work fine. The Log reports that go with the CRB is not showing up for me. I have removed and re-installed (using plug feature), still cannot see any reports. Suggestions, please?


I've also installed the log zip file and am not seeing the Log or the Scheduling tabs and I have them enabled.

Same issue. The LOG tab is not showing up. Other tabs are fine. I looked in System Manager and the \admin\reports\CRB\logs\ folder exists, with 4 HTML files in it. Possibly something is wrong with the link to the \logs folder somewhere. Thanks.

Found answer - some of the tabs, like the LOG tab, only show up when you are in a School. They don't show up in the District Office.

no data is showing after I installed the plugin.

Joan Richer

I too do not have a tab for scheduling or logs after installing and enabling this plugin.


You must be at a school level. You can not be in at the district level.

Jennifer Bocrie
Goochland County Schools
Goochland, VA

When running the Log entry search, neither the "make current selection" nor the "add to current selection" works. Tried two browsers, am I missing something?

When running the Log entry search, neither the "make current selection" nor the "add to current selection" works. Tried two browsers, am I missing something?

I can run the Log Entry Search for a student. However, when I try to run the Student Discipline Report, the screen remains with the Searching for your results alert displayed, and never completes.

Any suggestions? We have the CRB Base 4.2.1, and the CRB Logs 4.1.3. I have tried with Firefox 50.0.2 and Chrome 50.0.2840.

Let me know and I'll keep looking through the page.
Thank you!

I found the problem. There was a CR in the middle of one of the log entries.

I checked through the page and found where you're doing a replace of chr(10) in the select of the entry of the log entries. I revised the replace with the below, which resolved the issue.

replace(replace(replace(l.entry,'"','`'), chr(10), ''),chr(13),' ') AS details

Hope this helps someone!

This seems to have fixed the issue I was having, thank you for posting!

i am unable to use the make or add to current selection buttons. Is anyone else having this issue?

The Validation part of CRB is installed and enabled, but I do not see the Validation Tab at either the school or district level. Any advice is very welcome. Thank you!

Jean Whitney Zilewicz
Arlington Public Schools
Arlington, MA

I wanted to edit the LogEntrySearch file but cannot find where to place it in the crb folder. I am using the latest version of each bundle. The folder for Logs is not there in the CRB folder. Where is it located now? I have searched the folders and files but cannot find them.


When running the Student Discipline Report, the Incident Date is coming up 0/0/0000. I have entered a date in every box on the log entry page, but it does not change. Any ideas?

This is an older CRB reports bundle that is no longer being fully supported by the original developers.

I would suggest you install and review the PSCB - Custom Reports (Logs) plugin available for download on the PDS site.

Rob Staats
PSCB Development

Would it be possible to run your Log Discipline Summary with a 'None' or 'No Action Taken' option? It would be very helpful to be able to list the log entries that still have to be dealt with.

A "No Action" option will be included in the next release of the plugin.

Rob Staats
PSCB Development

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