Submitted by jtreadwell on Thu, 11/12/2020 - 4:16am
Adds a log entry screen to PowerTeacher Pro gradebook. After successful submission the teacher is directed to a list of log entries that they submitted about that student.
What's New in Version 2018.03.19
Can now edit own records.
The list page will only show a teacher logs where they are the author. Some extra detail does show up in the list which might be useful as followup information.
Submitted by jtreadwell on Thu, 11/09/2017 - 11:18am
During the Putting it All Together class at PSUG-NorthEast 2017 an idea was worked on to allow users to click a button next to the log entry they wanted to print a report for. As you may know the log reports search page does not include a way to search for a specific log entry by student or log id. The resulting page fragment is generic enough to work for other types of records as well but the plugin includes an updated log list page with a button that will trigger the process. The idea and some of the code came from Monett R-1
Submitted by jtreadwell on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 7:16am
This plugin will add the log reports to the custom reports bundle base. Note: the base plugin will need to be installed before you will see these reports automatically appear.
What's New in Version 4.1.5
Fixed current selection button on Log Entry Search. Made change recommended by Renee Bailey for the Student Discipline Reports.
How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here
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